Branding & Identity Design | The Brand Thread
My role: Brand Designer


Radiating Growth
Therapy Specialist Network had a goal to lead the community by providing exceptional care and specialized therapy that prioritizes the whole well-being of each individual. They take pride in their vision for the individual patient, hoping to help them realize their full biological potential and lead a happy, healthy, thriving life.
Going into the rebrand, they wanted to condense their lineup of holistic medical professionals under one network of specialist services. Their vision was an approachable brand that showcased their emphasis on brightness and hopefulness to their all-ages, family-friendly audience.
Their mark took shape with inspiration from the lotus flower, a symbol of purity of the body, speech, and mind. This deeper meaning, along with the physical radial and connected shape, creates a mark that embodies the spirit of the Therapy Specialist Network and allows them to carry that bright purpose through their visual brand.
Additional Credit
This project created in partnership with The Brand Thread, based in Lexington, Kentucky.